Bible Explorations Will Timmins Bible Explorations Will Timmins

Getting it Wrong about The Weak and the Strong, Part 1: Who are the Weak and the Strong in Romans 14-15?

In Romans 14:1–15:13, Paul gives pastoral counsel to the house churches of Rome, with the aim of bringing joyful unity where there is presently judgmentalism and division. It is a masterpiece of pastoral instruction.

This post starts a short series of reflections on these chapters, with a particular eye to where we can easily go astray in either our interpretation or application of Paul’s teaching.

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Bible Explorations Will Timmins Bible Explorations Will Timmins

When Genocide Comes to Church

Several years ago, in about 2009-10, I read three books on the Rwandan Genocide. I can’t remember what prompted me to engage such a grim topic at the time—perhaps it was watching Hotel Rwanda—but I remember the gloom that settled over my soul for days afterwards.

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Bible Explorations Will Timmins Bible Explorations Will Timmins

Approving of Those Who Practice Evil (in The Middle East): A Reflection on Romans 1:32

Towards the end of Romans 1, the apostle Paul shows the horrific consequences of humanity turning away from God and his truth. People embrace a lie based on the distorted desires of the heart. As punishment, God gives them what they want, or as Paul puts it, “hands them over” (vv. 24, 26, 28) to their desires and allows them to reap the fruit of their folly.

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“Blessed is the one … whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in season.”

— Psalm 1:1-3