“Blessed is the one … whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in season.”
Towards the end of 2021, I lost my job as a theological college lecturer because of chronic health conditions.
In fact, debilitating chronic illness brings with it various losses. So I started this blog to add something back into life, to write a little as I am able, and hopefully, in some small way to edify others as I seek to edify myself. At the very least, I want to create a focus for my own meditations and explorations in the word of God.
The Bible Meditations that I will post here typically come directly out of my daily times with the Lord, as I seek to meditate on his word “day and night,” as Psalm 1 puts it. These posts are brief; designed to be read quickly, but pondered slowly.
Bible Explorations are longer reflections on the meaning and significance of particular Bible passages.
The Bible Conundrums are analyses of verses or passages that are tricky to understand, or at least where interpreters come to different conclusions.
I enjoy Photography. I don’t get out with the camera nearly as much as I’d like. But from time to time, I might post some photos or other photography related stuff here. Mainstream Christian tradition believes that God has given us two books, the book of nature and the Bible. I hope that, in some small way, this blog passes on the wonderful message of both.
I very much welcome your questions, insights, and engagement. A bonus of this blog would be the opportunity to connect with others. So do reach out, whether under particular posts via Comments, or the Contact page.